Division of Labor by Activity
- Parades – Car Shows Team. Tasks include:
*Acquire list/contact info of EV owners – coordinate w them on events
*Acquire list of parades/car shows – contacts, dates, rules, fees,
*Produce parade signs for EVs – scalable to number of EVs
*Prepare Outdoor Info Table w canopy & materials – signs, thermos, literature - Speakers Bureau- Info Tables Team. Tasks include:
*Speakers Bureau (speakers & panels) – eg. Kiwanis lunch
*Indoor/outdoor Info Tables – e.g. farmers markets, auto shows
*list/info of speakers/panelist/media guests
*list/info of table staffers
*Media contacts lists/prices
- The Innovations-Private Enterprise Team.
This team will coordinate with startup business ventures in the EV area. Those recommended for the group are currently involved in such ventures.
- Communications-IT Team
*General data storage – Google Docs site?
*Website – WordPress on Go Daddy
*Newsletter-email blasts – Constant Contact?
*Volunteer internal communication – L-Soft Listserv?
*Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, etc.
- Executive Committee (Officers & Committee Chairs)
*Coordinate other groups (monthly meeting)
*Finances/budget/banking – with Electric Auto Ass’n
*Fund Raising – annual sponsors’ approach? or?